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EPLAN Education

Are you a student or trainee and writing a laboratory report or final thesis in the field of electrical engineering, fluid power engineering or EI&C engineering? Then download a free, time-limited version of EPLAN Education for Students here.

Macros for building automation

Do you use EPLAN Preplanning as a solution for building automation? As a professional EPLAN user, starting in Version 2.8 you have an EPLAN Project available with more than 370 P&I diagrams and control diagrams for building automation. The corresponding function lists according to the VDI 3814 and DIN EN ISO 16484-3 standards are also included.


Engineering 4.0

Researchers at the E4TC in Aachen introduced an engineering workflow model (amongst other things) and prepared an evaluation matrix with five efficiency levels.

Control Cabinet Engineering 4.0

Is it worth introducing automation for manufacturing and engineering processes in panel building? You’d better believe it – and for both large corporations and smaller companies.

White Paper

White Paper “Electrified – The Digital Twin"

The white paper shows what a digital twin consists of and which disciplines and fields can work with it, with a special focus on the engineering field of designing and documenting wires and wire harnesses in 3D.


EPLAN – efficient engineering.

Impulses for Your Engineering

Where do you come into play? Are you a supplier, component manufacturer, or an operator? You can completely exploit your efficiency potential with our software, regardless of your position.